We are extremely proud to announce that a member of the Extra Mile family, Marko Bojkovic, is going to have his photo in the National Wrestling Hall of Fame.

Marko Bojkovic Hall Of Fame
Marko was a part of the national USA team in the 2021 Veterans World Wrestling Championship, which was held from 19 to 24 April 2021 in Loutraki, Greece.

Marko Bojkovic National Wrestling Hall Of Fame

Their team photo will get its place in the Hall of Fame, making one of our Road Warriors a part of the national wrestling history.

Marko Bojkovic Wrestler

As a fleet owner, Marko played a big part in the success story of our company, and the fact that he achieved such amazing results in yet another field is both admirable and inspiring to us.

Mia Extra Mile International
Fleet Manager & Recruiter at  |  + posts

Mia is a Fleet Manager and Recruiter at Extra Mile International, based in Chicago. Mia is over 5 years in the trucking industry while driving trucks for more than 3 years.