When we talk about the trucking industry, nobody will think of a female truck driver. But, that’s so wrong nowadays, because according to Statista, since 2010, the number of professional female truck drivers in the U.S.A. has risen 68 percent.

Women truck drivers drive less aggressively, have more patience, and are less likely to cause an accident. The question is: is it possible for them to drive better than men? Men surely wouldn’t think so.

One thing is for sure – being a female truck driver in a male-dominated industry is not an easy task, but we shouldn’t forget some benefits: traveling across the country, flexibility, independence.

And, luckily, there are trucking companies that hold women drivers in high regard. This is a trend that is bound to grow over the next few years.

Here are some tips to have in mind when it comes to women in trucking associations.

1. Take Care of Your Hygiene and Health

It’s indeed difficult to take care of your hygiene when you are driving all day, but it’s not impossible. Self-care is your priority. You can bring wet wipes and baby powder and use them frequently. They will become your best friends. Not only that they are helpful for taking a “quick bath”, but they can also make you relaxed before going to the bed. In order not to get sticky at times, you can use baby powder to keep yourself dry even on the hottest days.

Take Care Of Your Hygiene And HealthDriving a truck means having a sedentary way of life, but you can incorporate certain truck drivers’ exercise and a healthy diet to stay physically active. Plan your food ahead, save your money and choose to be a healthy woman who is going to live longer.



Source: Freepik

2. Properly Plan Bathroom Breaks

It means that you need to make a schedule for your bathroom breaks during the day. Sometimes the place where you stop will be convenient, but sometimes not. If you have to do it inside the truck in the first place, then it’s good to have some kind of air refresher. This may sound difficult and disgusting to all women trucking, but it is an excusable truth. It’s important to be cunning and aware of reality. Don’t let this disappoint you and make you stop looking for female truck driver jobs. Bear in mind that every profession has its pros and cons.

3. Bring Your Own Food

Female Truck Driver Bring Your Own FoodAs we already said before, if you bring your own food with you, you will save some extra money and you will find a healthier way to eat. It’s important to eat healthy because it influences your health directly which is the most important thing. You can also call your trucking friends and make a deal with who’s going to cook next. It is going to be an interesting experience for a female team of truck drivers. Not only that you are going to be good drivers, but great cooks, too!

Source: Freepik

4. Pay Attention to Your Surroundings

To drive a truck means to have a good focus and concentration, so pay attention to your surroundings both when you are driving and when you take a break. According to a survey by Women in Trucking, when asked to rate their feeling of safety on the road from 1 (unsafe) to 10 (safe), female truck drivers averaged at just 4.4. That’s why it’s so important to empower women drivers and to offer counseling on how to stay safe on the road.

5. Find Good Parking Spots

You will have more privacy if you park outside the city. In order to feel safer, you should choose some spots where you are not the only one. Choose some spots in front of the other trucks, so you can relax. There is no predicting what kind of person you can run into in truck stops, but there are more and more stops that are “women-friendly”. Maybe the good advice would be to have something you can use for protection just in case. Even though violence at truck stops is rare, there are always safety tips that women drivers can take.

6. Work on Your Confidence

When you are a woman in the trucking industry, it’s really important to work on your confidence and to feel self-secured. It is recommended to complete some research about what to expect on the road and to speak to other drivers just to get some inside look. That is how you will be more confident about your job, but don’t forget that the key is an experience you will get while driving!

7. Get Some Good Company to Travel with

Female Truck Driver Get Some Good Company To Travel WithHave you ever thought of a way not to travel alone? For example, traveling with a dog or a cat has a lot of benefits. A dog will be your best friend and the best way of protection, too. Chances are animals are more intuitive than people and they can “smell the trouble”. Sometimes your co-worker may be your partner, so read these inspirational stories about women truckers and you can think of your trucking partner.


Source: Freepik

8. Talk to Your Leader (and other drivers)

Just like in life, it’s important to socialize while driving, too. As we mentioned before, animals are a good choice, but don’t forget about the people! The more you talk to your leader and other drivers, the easier it will be for you to feel good during a trip. It must be difficult to drive and feel safe when you left your children and maybe your elderly parents at home, so find someone to share your stories with. When you feel alone, you can catch up with your friends and family online, but don’t forget the safety tips while driving!

9. Choose a Company That Will Value Your Hard Work

To be a good driver, it takes a community that values women’s issues and concerns in the trucking industry. Find a trucking company that will compensate you for your hard work properly and that will understand your needs. If you don’t find the right one, you should keep on looking and you should never give up on yourself and your rights!


If you want to find more about women CDL drivers, you can read these frequently asked questions.


Mia Extra Mile International
Fleet Manager & Recruiter at  |  + posts

Mia is a Fleet Manager and Recruiter at Extra Mile International, based in Chicago. Mia is over 5 years in the trucking industry while driving trucks for more than 3 years.